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Best Function & Efficiency

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  • 1) Cost saving through recycling materials for similar frame of structure.
  • 2) Recyclable materials: Timber Beam, Wale, CB240 Bracket and other rental materials.
  • 3) Materials not recycled: bolt class, CB cone, PVC cone and other accessories and materials for special use.

Convenience & Accuracy

  • 1) Possible to have Accuracy & Convenience through coupling and assembling each material by the drawing if there is no error on the drawing.
  • 2) Work load is more faster perfectly by using our specialized material and accessories.

Efficiency of System Form

  • 1) Good to secure the maximum of efficiency with the minimum of labor through the crane & bigger panel.
  • 2) Much better than conventional form for accuracy, safety, efficiency.
  • 3) Upskilling of laborers through the repetition of assembling and disassembling.